March 29-30, 2022
4 Seasons Hotel, Irving, Texas
As a leader, we know the stress of trying to build your family business. Unanswered questions and nagging frustrations can take their toll on you every day.
What if there was a way to get away, discover new solutions, and get energized to implement the fresh ideas your family business needs to grow?
The CEO Exchange is that place.
This event is exclusive for family business owners/leaders. That makes it the perfect opportunity to bring your CEO-in-training so they can learn, network, and gain crucial insights about what it takes to successfully run the family business.

June 16-17, 2022
St. Petersburg Beach, FL
Being a female leader comes with a unique set of challenges–especially if you’re in a family business.
Women in Family Business (WIFB) was created to address those unique challenges, providing powerhouse women with the strategies to overcome obstacles, build healthier company cultures, and continue growing as key leaders in our industry.
WIFB is led by women, for women who lead.
Check back here for more details as we add them!

September 21-23, 2022
Drover Hotel, Fort Worth, TX 76164
Focus On Competitive Advantage (FOCA) is THE industry leading event for family-owned companies. Business-savvy companies will be in attendance to learn Meridian’s proven methods to grow faster AND smarter, create a thriving company culture, boost efficiency, expand and diversify into new revenue streams, and ultimately increase profits.
Check back here for more details as we add them!